Using Location Data in Lightroom


CreativePro Magazine Issue 12 coverThis article appeared in Issue 12 of CreativePro Magazine.

“Where did you take that?” comes up a lot when sharing photos. It’s a complicated question. Some people are satisfied to learn the city or region, while others (especially photographers) are looking for the exact spot where you stood to get the shot. The where is often as important as the what in the photo.

It used to be far more difficult to assign location information to images. Now we have smartphone cameras in our pockets that automatically record specific GPS coordinates when they capture a photo. Plus, Lightroom Classic and Lightroom desktop include several ways to easily tag images with locations.

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Author and photographer Jeff Carlson (@jeffcarlson, writes for publications such as DPReview, CreativePro, and Macworld, and is a contributing editor at TidBITS ( He is the author of numerous books, including Adobe Lightroom, a Complete Course and Compendium of Features, Take Control of Your Digital Photos, Take Control of Your Digital Storage, and Take Control of Apple Watch, among many other titles. He also co-hosts the podcasts PhotoActive and Photocombobulate, and leads photography workshops in the Pacific Northwest. He believes there's never enough coffee, and does his best to test that theory.
  • Jeff says:

    Is there any way to get the Location(rough), City, State/Prov and Country metadata fields filled in using the GPS co-ordinates?

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