The CreativePro Team

Since 1999, CreativePro has provided essential “how-to” training and inspiration to millions of graphic designers, educators, marketing professionals, and production artists. Our philosophy — Learn, Create, Share — drives us to provide year-round, full-circle learning to support your creativity and career.

Interested in joining the team? View our current available opportunities.

David Blatner

David Blatner
30+ years writing, training, and consulting in the graphic arts and publishing industry; author of 45 books and 35 video courses; plays a mean didjeridoo and knows 4 guitar chords.

Marci Eversole
Director of Operations
Over 30 years of experience producing events all over the world, for graphic designers, web developers, Deadheads, and more. After living 6 years in Northern CA with no electricity, Marci enjoys having 5 different remotes to run her media system while cuddling with her two cats.

Mike Rankin, Editor in Chief of CreativePro

Mike Rankin
Editor in Chief
25+ years experience in publishing, editorial, design, and production. LinkedInLearning Instructor with video courses on InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, GIMP, Inkscape, and Affinity Publisher.

Brad Miller

Brad Miller
Director of Marketing
19+ years of experience in digital and traditional marketing, brand management, email marketing, graphic design, and social media strategy; interests include guitar, Phish, Star Trek, and his dog, Ziggy.

Anne-Marie Concepción

Anne-Marie Concepción
Co-founder, Editorial Advisor
Digital publishing expert, certified Adobe instructor; authored over 25 courses on Learning. Interests: beautiful grandson and two cute dogs, RV-ing; collecting seashells.

Erica Gamet

Erica Gamet
Content Diva, Communities
30+ years in graphics industry; curate content and community at CPN; quarantine hobbies include learning drums and Swedish; may or may not be joining a Scandinavian speed metal band.

Melissa Stanley

Melissa Stanley
Customer Success and Project  Management
Melissa has been wrangling timelines, helping clients, drafting contracts, and building SOPs for over 15 years. When not designing spreadsheets, she’s designing beer labels, fantasy illustrations, and magical creatures.

Bob Cox

Bob Cox
Corporate Partnerships, Sales
13+ years connecting, creating, and implementing successful sponsorships. He’s worked with an array of companies from Fortune 500 to grassroots brands. His philosophy is don’t just sell something, make connections that matter.

Khara Plicanic
Program and Speaker Development Manager
A camera-slinging design geek and Adobe nerd, when she’s not searching the sofa cushions for a runaway Wacom pen, Khara can be found plotting her next craft project, catching up with her favorite latenight hosts, or trying to remember where she left her phone.

Jeff Potter, Editor at CreativePro

Jeff Potter
Jeff has worked at the crossroads of editing, design, and technology since 1983, steadfastly using the published word to create community. He lives in western Mass. with his wife and two cats (one named after a typeface).

Hannah Peterson
Hannah has been writing and editing in one form or another since graduating in 2018, but CreativePro is her first real step into the world of graphic design. She’s a newbie photoshopper, a constant reader, and an obsessive crossword solver.

Molly Piper
Speaker Wrangler
Molly is a seasoned cat herder, having spent over a decade managing an elementary school office. She is the mother of 3 boys, a pittie mix, and a one-eyed cat named Mimi. She is an accomplished photographer and loves paddleboarding and driving offroad.
