Maybe sync is not all that great?

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    • #104328
      Tim Murray

      This is related to the item “Changing the Default Font in an InDesign Document: Advanced”

      In a set of files in a book (and I sync its files often), I’ve had an odd problem I’m trying to resolve — that’s later. Anyway, call the files FileA, FileB, etc. FileA worked fine. I found if I open FileB and copy its content, paste into FileA, then save FileA as FileB, then FileB is fine. That’s worked for seven files. But there is at least one (I didn’t look further) where at the end, nearly all paragraphs indicate an override by Stylename+.

      Most any copy in the pasted body was 12, but it was supposed to be 11. What I found was buried in the IDML file under Resources > Styles.xml > <ParagraphStyle Self=”ParagraphStyle/$ID/[No paragraph style]” Name=”$ID/[No paragraph style]” > was the setting PointSize=”12″.

      I changed to 11, opened as ID and did the copy-paste, it is fine.

      Not so much a question as a comment that I don’t think the sync is quite as good as it should be.

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