*** From the Archives ***

This article is from October 4, 2013, and is no longer current.

Review: Quark XPress 10


Those who work with east Asian languages will be thrilled that all editions of QuarkXPress 10 n
ow support advanced east-Asian language features. Here’s an example of using Chinese characters alongside western characters in a book I’m working on:

If your clients or co-workers use Microsoft Word, importing their work into QuarkXPress 10 is a lot smoother because QuarkXPress can now import inline pictures and hyperlinks. That’s a huge improvement.

Quick-Response Codes (QR Codes) are all the rage, so QuarkXPress provides a simple way to create one right on the page. Just type in a URL, a phone number, a mailto: or any other text (or a complete address VCard containing name, phone number, email and website) and QuarkXPress fills a picture box for you:

The QR Code picture box contains native QuarkXPress rectangles, so you can resize the QR Code without losing clarity, and you can change its color by using the standard color controls in QuarkXPress. Unfortunately, when moving the QR Code on the page you’ll experience the same delays as when moving picture boxes (see above), but Quark promises a fix will be released in October.

For several versions now, QuarkXPress has let you add complex interactivity to page items. Previously, it output to Flash format, but QuarkXPress 10’s interactivity features are now all about HTML 5:

If you use QuarkXPress with App Studio to create apps for mobile devices, you’ll enjoy several new features, such as “Page Flip”:


If you’re not familiar with App Studio, here’s a diagram of what you can give it, and what it can export to (click to enlarge):


Some important things got left behind:

With this rewrite of the code base, QuarkXPress 10 will only open QuarkXPress files back to version 7. If you have documents last saved in version 6 or earlier, you’ll want to keep a copy of QuarkXPress 8 or 9 handy to open and re-save those. QuarkXPress 10 also drops support for exporting to Flash, Blio and HTML 4 (HTML 5 is SO much more capable!).

Bottom line:

I’m not going to get into the question of whether QuarkXPress is “better” than its competition — that totally depends on what kind of work you do. If you use QuarkXPress, you’ll find that version 10 has a giant number of large and small improvements that will make your work more efficient, and open up additional project opportunities for you.

System Requirements:

Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and later (including 10.9 Mavericks)

Windows 7 and 8

Hardware requirements: 

Mac: Intel processor, 2 GB RAM, 2 GB hard disk space

Windows: 2GB RAM, 1GB hard disk space


$849 (upgrades: $349 from version 8 or 9)

Discounts for non-profits and education


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  • Yvon BOEUF says:

    Je comprends parfaitement toutes les améliorations évoquées. Mais les utilisateurs de Windows sont laissés pour compte. Pas de nouvelles palettes. Les couches alphas ne fonctionnent pas correctement avec les couches contenues dans des fichiers Photoshop (par ex. pour réaliser une couche de vernis sélectif sur un calque Xpress (nouvelle palette de contrôle avancé d’image). Pas d’aperçu avant impression. Pas d’affichage plein écran. Pas de vignettes pour apercevoir les pages du document. Il n’y a plus de cadres enrichis (filets simples ou pointillés uniquement). Pour moi, donc beaucoup de déception malgré les améliorations que vous citez. 


    Translation from Google Translate:

    “I fully understand all the improvements mentioned. But Windows users are left behind. No new pallets. The alpha layers do not work correctly with the layers contained in Photoshop files (eg. To produce a layer of clear varnish on Xpress (new range of advanced image control) layer. No print preview. No full screen display. No thumbnails to see the document pages. There are more enriched frames (simple or broken nets only.) for me, so much disappointment despite the improvements you cite.”

  • Armand67 says:

    Ah Yvon, vous n’êtes pas le seul. Quark n’a vraiment rien compris, et recommence à ne pas tenir compte de ses utilisateurs… Je crains que ne soit la fin, et pour ma part je ne risque pas de passer en version 10 : la version 9 (avec ses nombreuses imperfections) me suffira amplement !

  • L. Williams says:

    I used to use QuarkXPress for all my page layout design work from 1989 to 2002. Then Quark took 2 years to come out with a version that worked on OS X and I finally moved to InDesign. I see nothing in QuarkXPress to make me want to move back in any way whatsoever. What I find laughable is that Quark is touting the new high-resolution display of imported images in the new version 10! It’s 2013 and they’ve finally brought this feature to QuarkXPress that’s been available in InDesign since 2001 or 2002, over ten years earlier. Quark lost its position as top dog in print design because they consistently paid no attention to the requests and problems faced by their users. I’m delightfully happy to have moved away from Quark’s software and into InDesign, which I find elegant, easy to use and extremely capable.

    Now, if Adobe could only figure out a way to convert InDesign files to ebook format without it losing all its formatting — but that’s another story entirely.

  • Ian MacPherson says:

    I have been waiting for any support for font “auto-activation” plugins. No one appears to be addressing this situation. Extensis is actually asking its members to let them know if a plugin for QuarkXPress 10 should be considered. After a lengthy investigation, I received an insider tip as to a probable reason for no font auto-activation as of yet: “…however, the developer’s kit for Quark 10 was released pretty late, which is why it is now taking some time until we have the plug-ins finished.”

  • highwingpilot says:

    A service bureau I used to do work with (anyone remember Linotronic Printers?), used to refer to this program as Quirk Distress. It almost always caused them problems.

    Try InDesign (smarter workflow, tight integration with the rest of Adobe Creative Suite, better interface & features). You might like it.

  • John Encore-Doe says:

    With QXP Quark has released a ridiculous “anything” that does not allow professional work at all. I’m using QXP since 1991 (I think it was Version 2 …) – and with every new update Quark had created several new problems … more or less. But there has never been a release with malfunctions comparable to the X-version. Comments from Quark? No. Explanations? No. Upgrades? No. This is not funny. I have deleted my copy and decided to wait for the upgrade 10.5. I’m afraid though, Quark might not survive this disaster.

  • Derek Hanson says:

    I updated my Quark to version 10 and it has been nothing but a disaster.  First, the platform is unstable and crashes repeatedly.  And, the bigger the file the more it crashes.  Second, their tech support, while always gracious, does nothing to resolve problems you have.  Oh, they are great with suggestions like, “Well, try this or try that.”  I don’t want tech support to guess how to solve a problem.  I want them to know how to solve a problem.  And, they very well could know, but they are not about to tell YOU.

    In 30 years of computer software use, I have never been more disappointed than I am with Quark version 10.  Want a good suggestion?  But Adobe InDesign.

  • Guest says:

    Toatally unusable peice of software if you want pictures on your page

  • Guest says:

    La version 10 même avec sa mise à jour récente, reste une catastrophe. Je regrette d’y être passé et vais revenir à la version 9 et passer à InDesign après 20 ans de fidélité à Quark !!

  • YVON BOEUF says:

    Je viens de mettre à jour avec la version 10.0.2. Je constate aucun changement. L’importation de PDF est catastrophique. Même la boite de dialogue ne prévisualise pas correctement certains PDFs. Je ne vois pas à quoi sert la palette de contrôle d’image avancée. Elle ne gère pas les couches. La version Windows n’offre pas d’amélioration par rapport aux versions antérieures. Certaines fonctions sont toujours absentes. Fidèle aussi à Qurak depuis 20 ans, je suis très très déçu par la version 10 qui semble bâclée. J’ai signalé ces dysfonctionnements à Quark, mais ne s’améliore. Pourtant le site Quark vante avec toujours autant de positivité la suprématie de son logiciel. Je ne suis pas certain de poursuivre avec Quark moi-aussi!

  • Mark Florest says:

    Ao comprar o Quark 9 para “ganhar”o 10, perguntei a vendedora quando teria a licença do 10 e ela me respondeu: “vou verificar, pois a Quark é meio travada”. Passei a usar o Quark na versão 3 e o achava muito bom, concorria com o PageMaker que era muito ruim. Pois é o tempo passa, o Indesign surge e a travada Quark afunda um bom programa. Tiram ferramentas que você demora um tempo para aprender e usar. MEIO TRAVADA? TOTALMENTE TRAVADA. A Apple poderia comprar a Quark e salvar o software.

  • Mark Florest says:

    Ao comprar o Quark 9 para “ganhar”o 10, perguntei a vendedora quando teria a licença do 10 e ela me respondeu: “vou verificar, pois a Quark é meio travada”. Passei a usar o Quark na versão 3 e o achava muito bom, concorria com o PageMaker que era muito ruim. Pois é o tempo passa, o Indesign surge e a travada Quark afunda um bom programa. Tiram ferramentas que você demora um tempo para aprender e usar. MEIO TRAVADA? TOTALMENTE TRAVADA. A Apple poderia comprar a Quark e salvar o software.

  • Gusto says:

    But it has a good spell checker.

  • Carmen Sorvillo says:

    There needs to be a class action lawsuit filed for all those print professionals who shelled out $100s of dollars for a product that is unusable since v8.5. Q9 with the introduction of eBooks 7 app studio was full of glitches for those working in print. It was a huge pain in the butt. I was overjoyed when Q10 was released so soon after, but it was even worse. Whenever I try to produce spot color PDFs for the printshop a given color will appear as spot in one location on the page & as CMYK in another location. I’ve spent many hours on the phone with tech support during this past year. They offer suggestions & workarounds that don’t help & will not admit that the product just doesn’t work. With each new revised version I hope thatthe situation has been addressed but It still doesn’t work.  I have been using Q10 for the much better interface, but I have to export a Q9 file to use for PDF exporting. Maybe the soon to be released Q10.5? I’ve tried InDesign & I really hate it. Thinking of just retiring so that I don’t have to deal with it!

  • carmen sorvillo says:

    * ebooks & app studio

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