*** From the Archives ***

This article is from November 30, 2010, and is no longer current.

Four Design Conferences in One

The next How Design Conference will be in Chicago in June 2011. How says that it’s the largest annual design event in the United States. It’s also not just one conference: It’s four! While next June is far enough away that session details are sparse, here are the basics on what you can expect:
How Design Conference: June 24 – 27, 2011. This is the Big Daddy event, the conference with something for everyone. The 2010 conference was the most inspiring and informative thing I attended all year. If you can make it in 2011, do!
Creative Freelancers Conference: June 23 & 24, 2011. This conference focuses on creatives who work alone and emphasizes practical information for those “solopreneurs.” Sign up for the newsletter to receive details on the event as they become available.
InHOWse Managers Conference: June 24-27, 2011. Managers of in-house creative departments are the target audience for this conference. There’s a thriving blog that will keep you in the loop as event details are finalized.
Dieline Package Design Conference: June 22-24, 2011. The Dieline is a highly popular packaging blog, and in 2011 it will join forces with How to hold its first-ever packaging conference. Sign up for the newsletter for event updates.

James Fritz is a Principal Program Manager: Content Tools and Workflows at LinkedIn.