Monthly Archives: January 2013

Q&A with Meagan Timney

As part of CreativePro’s coverage of the O’Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing conference, we will be featuring interviews with some of the speakers on the topics of their sessions and wider themes and trends in design and publishing technology. Here is a Q&A with Meagan Timney, who will be presenting UX Design for Digital […]

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Replacing Adobe Touch Apps

The Align away from spine control in the Control panel

Wait. Adobe’s Touch Apps Are Dead? Why Didn’t I Hear About This? Over the holidays Adobe quietly killed the majority of mobile creative professional products in its Adobe Touch Apps line. If you haven’t heard about it until now, well, that’s no surprise. The announcement was whispered in a corner after most of us had […]

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WordPress for Creative Portfolios

In the realm of online portfolios, the big news recently was Adobe’s purchase of Behance to augment the social aspect of the Creative Cloud. But Adobe’s not the only game in town. Automattic, the parent company of has announced that it is now offering themes and services for creative portfolios. Currently has 31 […]

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TypeTalk: Steve Lambert’s Typography for Social Change

Steve Lambert cannot be categorized. Although I was first attracted to his intriguing typographic neon work, further exploration revealed a depth of self-expression, purpose, and humor rarely found in traditional typography and graphic design. His work, which often contains an element of ‘performance art’, engages the viewer (sometimes literally!) with both medium and message in […]

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