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  • in reply to: Footnotes from tagged text? #54325

    Thanks, David

    in reply to: Footnotes from tagged text? #51313

    Thanks, David

    in reply to: GREP: finding double hyphenated words #54090

    Not claiming to be an expert on (any of) this, and the previous post may be saying the same thing in different words: Having disclaimed that :-) you could use something like BBEdit to grep search hyphenated words and insert the “no break” tags in a text file before importing it in the first place. Also, the InDesignConverter software from converts Word docs to tagged text and one of the options is break hyphenated words only at the hyphen. Don't know what your workflow is, but that might be worth a look.

    and yeah, I'm getting the math-captchas on every post

    in reply to: GREP: finding double hyphenated words #50870

    Not claiming to be an expert on (any of) this, and the previous post may be saying the same thing in different words: Having disclaimed that :-) you could use something like BBEdit to grep search hyphenated words and insert the “no break” tags in a text file before importing it in the first place. Also, the InDesignConverter software from converts Word docs to tagged text and one of the options is break hyphenated words only at the hyphen. Don't know what your workflow is, but that might be worth a look.

    and yeah, I'm getting the math-captchas on every post

    in reply to: Word vs. InD for prepping text #53870

    Thanks for that. It started out that our disk editor would take on some tasks that our Pagers spend time doing/undoing, in the same way she's used to doing it. By the end of this lunch/meeting the plan had changed quite a bit. My boss is going to lean on me to decide which route to take. Part of this is (of course) the cost of buying a mac, the cost of buying InD for the PC, what if she quickly becomes quite comfortable and skilled with InDesign and expands into a bigger role (in which case buying the Mac now would have seemed like a good idea).

    Is Mac/Windows not an issue, even if we're using different PostScript fonts, and ligatures and such?

    in reply to: Word vs. InD for prepping text #50816

    Thanks for that. It started out that our disk editor would take on some tasks that our Pagers spend time doing/undoing, in the same way she's used to doing it. By the end of this lunch/meeting the plan had changed quite a bit. My boss is going to lean on me to decide which route to take. Part of this is (of course) the cost of buying a mac, the cost of buying InD for the PC, what if she quickly becomes quite comfortable and skilled with InDesign and expands into a bigger role (in which case buying the Mac now would have seemed like a good idea).

    Is Mac/Windows not an issue, even if we're using different PostScript fonts, and ligatures and such?

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)