Hyperlinks-Using the same URL multiple times

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    • #64843

      I have a course catalog and I want all the course titles to go to the same enrollment page on our website. This is my first attempt at hyperlinks. I created a URL hyperlink titled Instant Enrollment, but I can’t seem to apply this hyperlink to more than one course title. I did leave shared destination checked. Is there a way to highlight the course title and always choose my Instant Enrollment link?

      Thank you for any help you can give me.

    • #64844
      David Blatner

      This is a very confusing aspect of hyperlinks. See my movie about hyperlinks in my title on interactive pdf at lynda.com.

      The hyperlinks panel lists instances of links in your document, not destinations. Each hyperlink shows up as a new entry there, even if they go to the same place. Once you make one shared hyperlink, you can select some more text (or an object) and choose that URL from the URL popup menu in the hyperlinks panel.

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