*** From the Archives ***

This article is from February 25, 2010, and is no longer current.

Silly Swiss Design

The Swissmaker 2.0 iPhone application comes in two flavors: Standard and Professional!
The standard version of Swissmaker 2.0 allows you create a black Helvetica Poster with white text on top. Then you can save your finished poster to your saved photos. This version is free.
The Professional version gives you the best of the standard, plus the included ability to add a photo from your photo library to the background of your poster. You can even snap a new photo on the spot and use it as well. This ability allows your Swiss poster making experience to be most unique and personalized. It’s $.99 for a limited time.
Who We Are:
Dirk+Weiss is an award winning Boston creative agency specializing in technology development with a focus on ROI.
