Real World InDesign CS4 Now Available
Please forgive this blatant commercial plug, but I just noticed that Real World InDesign CS4 is finally listed as available from and other places. (By the way, one site I often use to find the best deal on books is run by my friend Glenn Fleishman, called
As the back cover says:
Real World Adobe InDesign CS4 offers industrial-strength and time-saving techniques for design professionals who need to start laying out, proofing, and printing pages with InDesign CS4, without missing a beat (or a deadline!) in their fast-paced production cycles. Design pros will find everything they need here to successfully master InDesign’s advanced page layout tools, manage color, snippets, and use the program more efficiently.
Of course, I’m biased, but I’m pretty sure this is the most comprehensive and in-depth book on InDesign on the market. I hope you enjoy it!
Congratulations, David and Ole!
Amazon notified me that they shipped my copy via UPS yesterday morning. I should get it Monday or Tuesday!
My order shipped as well. I’m really looking forward to getting it.
These are the kind of blatant commercial plugs I like.
Congratulations Dave and Ole!
Thank you for all the reference information you put in our heads and minds in a serious and enjoyable reading.
Thanks to Dave and Ole!
I ordered it yesterday in the morning from peachpit and I?m curious, when it will arrive in good old Germany …
David, plug away!!! My copy should arrive from Amazon today. If you and Ole have done half as well as before, you will get five stars from me. After starting to watch Anne-Marie’s “What’s New” on Lynda, I had the boss order CS4 and I ordered your book. Yes, I’m loyal, but I’m also pretty darned smart and use the best resources available. Congratulations and keep it up!
And UPS delivers!!! I think I may just spend the rest of the day reading. RWIDCS4 has arrived
Just curious – what level this book is pitched at? We are looking for an Advanced InDesign Training manual.
Most Adobe training centers give out hundreds of Classroom in a Book books to our students each year but we hardly even refer to the book in the class. CRAZY!
This book is categorized as Intermediate/Advanced. I’ve found other versions of this book to be great all around references for ID. I’m not sure I’d classify it as a training manual but please get other references on that!
@Billy: I’ve long said that anyone starting with InDesign needs Sandee’s Visual Quickstart Guide for the first month or so… then they need Real World InDesign, which goes into far more depth. However, as Jennie pointed out, it’s a reference manual to put next to your computer, not a training manual.
I mean, I know some people (colleges, trainers, etc.) who do use it as a textbook, but we don’t have much in the way of step-by-step tutorials, review questions, and that kind of thing.
I hope you get a chance to check it out! (If you are looking to buy a bunch of them, Peachpit/Pearson Education will sell them bulk at a discount, I know…)
You may want to check out Deke McClelland’s One-On-One book. I haven’t dug deeply into it yet but from the looks of it that may be what you are after.
Hi Dave
Yesterday the book arrived in Germany, so I can start to read …
regards Frank