*** From the Archives ***

This article is from July 18, 2005, and is no longer current.

Design How-To: Choose the Right Typeface Every Time

This story is taken from
“Before & After” Magazine”

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New fonts pop up faster than you can say “Garamond Bold.” Then why is finding type that’s easy to read still akin to finding a needle in a haystack? By following just seven rules (from “pick a typeface with similar character widths” to “avoid quirkiness”), you can sweep aside the hay to pinpoint legible, readable fonts.

Your eyes would soon tire of this typeface.

This article has expired. However, you can still read the article by buying it from the Before & After site. Look for Issue 21. Since we’re big fans of the magazine, we recommend you subscribe for a full 32 articles (that’s four print issues for $42 or 32 downloadable PDFs for $24).

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