Monthly Archives: July 2012

Michigan State Supreme Court to Decide the Definition of 14 pt Type

It’s been said that democracy is a fragile thing, but can it really be that an entire form of government can depend on the definition of “14 pt” type? That’s the case in Michigan right now, where the fate of schools, labor unions, cites, and the very nature of local government will hinge on a […]

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Taming the Mountain Lion

Apple has officially released OS X 10.8 aka “Mountain Lion.” As with any new release of OS X, two questions come to mind: 1) When the heck are they going to run out of cats? 2) Is the software that you use to make a living going to break if you install the upgrade? While […]

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TypeTalk: Dos and Don’ts for Effective Web Content and Typographic Treatment

Viewing and reading habits differ on the Web from those in print. Therefore, you need to take steps when preparing and styling content to reflect these differences. Regardless of where text content appears, your goal as a designer is to attract and hold your readers’ interest. In print, it is common practice to bookmark a […]

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