*** From the Archives ***

This article is from May 31, 2011, and is no longer current.

Manage Your Media Online with SeeFile 5.0

If your workgroup or company is struggling with more files than you can manage, you may need a digital asset manager. SeeFile Software has just released the fifth version of its digital asset manager, also called SeeFile. SeeFile is a Web-based application, which makes it good for distributed teams with members always on the go. Depending on how many users you’ll have, SeeFile’s price ranges from $699 to $6,795.
For more information on SeeFile 5.0, including how it can filter your assets, how to collaborate using PDFs and image files, and more, visit its website.

  • It looks like seefile company and website have shut down. But you can get the same features (+ more) at https://filecamp.com
    Storing our images on Filecamp frees up space on our servers. It also saves us much time and effort having users search and download what they want directly. At least our customers love working with Filecamp. Check it out if you are looking for a seefile alternative :)

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