Get Rid of Red Eye in Photoshop

Over the years, many people have written tutorials on fixing red eye in photos; in fact, has published several! The various techniques have involved channels, brushes, sponges, selective color, and more. But did you know that since Photoshop CS2, there’s been a dedicated Red Eye tool? It’s hiding under the Spot Healing Brush on your toolbar.

In the very short video below, I’ll show you how easy it is to select the tool, then click and drag around an eye to remove any red.

RUSSELL BROWN is the Senior Creative Director at Adobe Systems, and an Emmy Award-winning instructor. He shares his delight in testing the creative limits of his tools, and his in-depth design knowledge and zany presentation style has won him a regular following among beginning, intermediate, and advanced users alike.
  • Anonymous says:

    It’s always useful to find such information as this or else I wouldn’t have known! I’ll have to try it sometime to see how effective it is! Thanks!

  • Anonymous says:

    Would also be nice to have a blue eye tool for getting rid of those demon eyes in animal photos.

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