*** From the Archives ***

This article is from October 25, 2013, and is no longer current.

Creating a Pattern Brush in Illustrator CC Using a Raster Image

4. Creating Corner Variations of the Pattern Brush 

To make variations of the Pattern brush, I selected the original Auto-Centered Pattern brush in the Brushes panel and dragged it to the New Brush icon. I made three duplicates of the original Pattern brush, enough to experiment with each of the remaining auto-generated corner tile options. I doubled-clicked on each duplicate one at a time, and in Pattern Brush Options selected Auto-Between, Auto-Sliced, and Auto-Overlap as the Outer Corner Tile for each Pattern brush and named them appropriately. I then made three more rectangles, and applied the variations of Pattern brushes to each by selecting the path, then clicking on the new Pattern brush in the Brushes panel.


The Brushes panel with all four corner tile variations.


Detail of the Corner Tiles; Auto-Centered (top,left), Auto-Between (top,right), Auto-Sliced (bottom, left), Auto-Ove
rlap (Bottom, right).

The completed frame with Auto-Centered Corner Tiles on left, and Auto-Between Corner Tiles on the right.

The completed frame with Auto-Sliced Corner Tiles on the left and Auto-Overlap Corner Tiles on the right.

Which type of corner will work best depends on your source image. For this pattern I was merely looking for the best option that auto corners could create for me. I plan to use my Versaille gate pattern to frame a drawing made with other Illustrator brushes and I think it will look trés magnifique!

You can see more examples of Lisa’s Illustrator brushes art in The Adobe Illustrator WOW! Booklet for June 2013 CC Release.

(Use the coupon code WOWCC1B at checkout to download the PDF booklet at 35% off retail price), in The Adobe Illustrator CS6 WOW! Book, and as featured in Sharon Steuer’s “Artistic Painting in Illustrator” brushes courses for lynda.com.

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