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Issue 147: Illustrator vs. InDesign

InDesign Magazine Issue 147 cover

July 2021

Illustrator vs. InDesign

Two titans duke it out to be the application of choice for your next project.

InCopy vs. Word

A guide for choosing the right editorial program for your workflow

Four Great Ways to Emphasize Text

A step-by-step guide for directing the reader’s eye with with highlighting, pull-quotes, borders, and anchored graphics

Choosing a Font Manager

Nine font management solutions to tame even the largest font collection

Script of the Month: Smart Sort

This month’s script can be used to sort any kind of text or table content.

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The most important and informative articles from CreativePro

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Mike Rankin

Editor in Chief of CreativePro. Instructor at LinkedIn Learning with courses on InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, GIMP, Inkscape, and Affinity Publisher. Co-author of The Photoshop Visual Quickstart Guide with Nigel French.
