*** From the Archives ***

This article is from January 23, 2012, and is no longer current.

Type Is Everywhere

For typophiles, just walking down a city street can be a source of joy and despair. We can find beautiful typography everywhere, but often, it’s on old signs, buildings, or storefronts that are about to make way for something new and, often, generically dull.
Vernacular Typography” is a Kickstarter project from Molly Woodward, a Brooklyn graphic designer, that aims to record that type before it disappears. She’s already begun to do so on the website VernacularTypography.com, which catalogs 10 years of Woodward’s type-centric photos shot in 10 countries. The purpose of the Kickstarter project is to broaden the website’s scope to other locations and to other documenters (and creators) of vernacular signage.

People who donate $10 or more to the Vernacular Typography Kickstarter project can receive thank-you gifts of a type sample, and the gifts get more compelling the more you donate. I know I’m going to be supporting this project!

Watch the video below for more information about the project:
