*** From the Archives ***

This article is from January 12, 2010, and is no longer current.

Illustrator CS3 and CS4 Users, Protect Yourself!

In Security Bulletin APSB10-01, Adobe has noted that it has identified critical vulnerabilities in Illustrator CS4 (14.0.0) and Adobe Illustrator CS3 (13.0.3 and earlier). Both Windows and Macintosh operating systems are affected.
The security bulleting gives step-by-step instructions for patching the flaw, which include free, downloadable security updates for Illustrator CS3 and CS4.
Read the full security bulletin here.

  • HawaiiBill says:

    Terri Stone has done CS3 and CS4 Illustrator users a good service by passing along a relatively complex procedure from Adobe that might be missed otherwise.

    Creative Pro is a good place to put cautionary material for those of us — me, for example — who have read nor seen nothing about this threat. Good work.

  • Anonymous says:

    this is nothing less than completely confusing. I have spent an hour just trying to decode the instructions and find the files. If this is so “critical” why not issue a self-installing update patch. Once again adobe takes it’s users for granted because they are the go-to standard, and frankly, most of illustrator’s users are ARTISTS, not IT tech-heads. I’m simply going to deal with the constant bugs and crashes until CS5 comes out, and has new and exciting difficulties that they will be obligated to fix automatically.

  • Anonymous says:

    No sign of the update on the Adobe update download page!!! Par for the course as far as the ‘new’ Adobe is concerned!!!

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