*** From the Archives ***

This article is from November 26, 2002, and is no longer current.

Digital Photography: Two Approaches to Panoramic Images


Bit by Bit: Seeing Panoramic Images from a New Angle
It’s relatively easy to take panoramic images with your digital camera, but what if the subject matter doesn’t lend itself to the horizontal orientation? Brain Lawler, a panoramic-photography enthusiast, tipped his point of view and devised a method for taking vertical panoramas.

No Flash in the Panorama: 360 One VR is a Virtual-Reality Gadget that’s Here to Stay
Kaidan’s bizarre-looking egg-cup-in-a-mayonnaise-jar is no abstract sculpture. It is actually a digital camera lens with special software that makes fast work out of the tedious task of shooting and assembling VR panoramas. Although cumbersome and costly, it’s a no-brainer for frequent VR authors.


  • Anonymous says:

    has brought the beauty of nature and its fragility to millions, thus increasing
    environmental awareness.

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