*** From the Archives ***

This article is from March 30, 2009, and is no longer current.

ATypI 2009 Call for Presentations

In his blog, Easily Amused, John D. Berry notes that ATypI is now accepting presentation proposals for this year’s conference in Mexico City.
Berry says, “This year, the main program will be a bit different from usual. Instead of two or more tracks of simultaneous program items, all timed to a uniform length, we’ll have a single continuous track, with varying lengths depending on what seems appropriate for each item. This will take some virtuoso juggling of the proposals and the final schedule, but it’s Roger Black’s idea that this will enliven the proceedings and give everyone who attends a more cohesive experience. I’m looking forward to it.
“The continuous three-day main program downtown will be followed by an intensive two days of workshops, including the now-traditional TypeTech but also several other workshop tracks, at Anáhuac University.”
Call for presentations link
Conference information
