*** From the Archives ***

This article is from January 23, 2001, and is no longer current.

Answers to “Is That Your Final Color?”

So you’ve been publishing for print and the Web for years now and you think you’re pretty hot stuff, don’t you?

If you made it to 0.1 delta E — Congratulations! No, you don’t win $1 million, but I would argue that you’re a certified color geek. If you’re like me, you were stumped right out of the gate.

  1. B: 75%
  2. C: Massachusetts
  3. D: Fuchsia
  4. B: 26 out of 41
  5. A: Dante
  6. D: Blue
  7. A: Copper
  8. C: Red
  9. D: Pink and orange
  10. B: White
  11. A: Merry blue terriers
  12. D: Tan
  13. B: Red
  14. A: Purple, red, and yellow
  15. C: 1,750

