*** From the Archives ***

This article is from January 25, 2011, and is no longer current.

Add a Grid Tool to Photoshop

Have you ever wished that Photoshop was as good at grid creation as InDesign? New-media designer Cameron McEfee did. “After many hours spent meticulously nudging nav elements and building grids for layout in web comps,” he explains, “I began to wonder why Photoshop didn’t have a grid tool like InDesign. At a certain point I decided to stop thinking about it and just build a tool to do it for me.”
Now McEfee is sharing that tool, called GuideGuide, with all Photoshop CS4 and CS5 users. Just download it and copy the uncompressed folder into Photoshop’s Panels folder.

You’ll find the download link and a few notes on
McEfee’s blog.
